Getting Into the Vehicle Industry: Business Ideas

Businesses in the vehicle industry are often seen as lucrative. With the right amount of planning, investment, and dedication, there’s no reason you can’t join the ranks of successful businesses in this field.

If you’re looking for ideas on what business to start in this industry, some key companies to consider should help get your idea off the ground.


A carpooling service is an innovative idea that allows people to share rides and fees. You can use any vehicle in this business, whether cars, trucks, vans, RVs, etc. The important thing is that the vehicle is road-worthy, and you have all the current licenses needed to operate.

This type of service can be as formal as you like or as flexible as you need it to be. It’s a good idea to discuss this with those who use your service to find out what is best for everyone involved.

This type of business requires no special training, just a knowledge of the local area, good customer service skills, and some marketing skills. Carpooling can be started fairly inexpensively with little or no investment required on your part. Of course, there are always risks in any business so consider those before starting.

Taxi Service

If you live in the city and want to start your taxi service, this can be done rather easily and inexpensively provided you pass all required exams for licenses and registrations. A car is not necessarily required; taxicabs can be vans or RVs. Many people choose to use their vehicles to save money.

Taxi services are regulated by the areas you wish to serve, so it’s best to discuss their requirements with your local governing body. Some sites may require background checks, additional training, or simply registration fees.

Taxi services are a good business for those looking to pick up extra income or even replace their current income. The best thing about taxi service is that it can easily be started part-time until the business picks up and you’re able to transition into full-time.

Transport Carrier Service

This type of business is similar to the taxi service in that it requires no special training. However, licensing requirements can vary depending on the areas you wish to serve.

Delivery services are often used by manufacturers and wholesalers who need regular deliveries made to locations they service or items collected from various places for distribution.

These types of businesses are best for those who know the vehicle they plan to use in this type of business. You can start these businesses fairly inexpensively with little investment.

All-Terrain Vehicle Rental

Another great idea for the vehicle industry is an ATV rental. This type of business can be started relatively with little investment. However, an important thing to remember in this type of business is that your station should be near a lake, forest, or another area where ATVs can be used safely.

In this business, you’ll need to provide the vehicles and all necessary equipment along with a license from your local governing body. It is a great idea for those looking into the tourism industry.

Boat For Hire

motor boat

If you live in an area with many lakes, rivers, or another body of water, a business that offers boats for hire can be a great addition to your income. Most areas that allow boat rentals will require licensing and registration for this type of business.

You’ll need all the licenses necessary before launching this business. If you’re thinking about investing in this industry, you’ll want to talk with an expert to determine the best type of boat for you.

This type of business is best for those who enjoy water sports and want to make extra income or replace their current income. It can be started fairly inexpensively but has higher start-up costs than other businesses on this list.

Tour Guide Shuttle Service

If you have a local area frequented by tourists but lacks an organized tour group, it could be a great business for you to start. This business requires no special licensing or training; however, it will need good customer service and marketing skills.

This type of business requires at least three vehicles (one for the guide, one for equipment, and one for the group). It’s best to check your local governing body regarding requirements or hire a consultant to help start this business.

The above are just a few ideas of the types of businesses you can start in the vehicle industry. These businesses have low start-up costs and can be started part-time until you transition them into full-time.

The best thing about these businesses is that they can easily be franchised, allowing you to have a business with multiple income streams.

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