5 Important Automotive Marketing Trends for Small Businesses

  • Advertising should be optimized for mobile devices and include interactive elements.
  • Automation technology can streamline marketing efforts and free up time.
  • Video content offers an up-close look at cars and promotes auto services.
  • Social media strategies foster customer relationships and attract new customers.
  • Influencer partnerships increase brand awareness, loyalty, and sales.

With the digital landscape constantly evolving, it can be hard to keep up with the latest marketing trends. As an auto business, understanding and staying up-to-date on the hottest automotive marketing trends is vital to ensure you stay ahead of the competition. To help you out, here’s compiled list of five key automotive marketing trends that savvy small businesses should consider as part of their 2023 marketing strategy.

1. Mobile Advertising

With more people spending time online than ever, mobile advertising is becoming increasingly important for small businesses looking to reach new customers and drive sales.


As such, it’s essential that your website is optimized for mobile devices and that all of your advertisements are designed with a mobile-first approach in mind. This means ensuring the design of your website and ads are optimized for smaller device screens and that they feature intuitive user interfaces.

Ad formats

Ad formats effectively reach out to potential customers as they offer interactive experiences that will capture and maintain their attention. By incorporating interactive elements such as videos, games, quizzes, or surveys into your digital marketing campaigns, you can provide an engaging experience tailored to your target audience’s needs. This helps build trust with your brand, as customers are likelier to remember and engage with a campaign that appeals to their interests.

2. Automation

Automation technology can help streamline your business operations—including your marketing efforts. By automating mundane tasks like sending emails and scheduling posts, you free up more time to create content and engage with customers directly. Plus, automation technology allows you to set up multi-step campaigns that nurture leads from initial contact through conversion without any extra effort from you or your team.

3. Video Content

Person Holding Tablet Computer Showing Videos

Video content has become one of the consumers’ most popular types of content in recent years. Creating engaging video content doesn’t have to be expensive, either. There are plenty of tools available that allow you to create high-quality videos using accessible equipment.

Automotive video content

You can use this content to give potential customers a better understanding of the vehicle they are interested in. This type of content helps to showcase the car’s features and benefits, as well as its design and performance. Video content also lets viewers get an up-close, detailed look at the car itself, which can be invaluable when making a purchase decision.

Video content doesn’t just help sell new cars but can also help auto-detailers and mechanics promote their services. By creating videos that show the process of detailing or repairing a car, you can provide viewers with an inside look at what sets your business apart from the competition.

A video showcasing professional ceramic car coating can showcase the added protection it provides to a vehicle and the aesthetic appeal of its glossy finish. This helps build trust and confidence in your brand, which can result in more customers choosing you for their automotive services.

4. Social Media Strategies

Social media isn’t just a great place to find new customers; it’s also a powerful tool for engaging existing ones! Developing a comprehensive social media strategy can help boost customer loyalty by fostering relationships with current followers while attracting new ones.

Choose your platforms wisely

When it comes to automotive marketing, car brands should consider which social media platforms they want to focus on carefully. Depending on their customer demographic, certain platforms may be more beneficial than others in terms of reaching the right audience and driving engagement. For example, if your target market is young adults and millennials, Instagram may be a better option than LinkedIn. In contrast, if your target market is older professionals, LinkedIn may be more effective.

5. Influencer Marketing

Crop smiling ethnic blogger recording video on smartphone on street

Influencer marketing has been around for quite some time now and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. By partnering with influencers with an audience related to yours (ie automotive enthusiasts), you can gain access to their followers quickly and easily—all without having to start building an audience from scratch!

Value and quality

Influencer marketing is an effective strategy for promoting cars, as people often need to be convinced of the value and quality of a vehicle before purchasing. Influencers can help spread the word about the features and benefits of a car to their followers, creating more interest in your offerings and building trust with potential customers.

Purchasing power

Furthermore, influencers have the purchasing power to show their followers first-hand what it’s like to own a car. This can be especially beneficial for mid-range cars, as these may not be able to attract the same level of attention as traditional advertising methods.

By partnering with influencers who are passionate about cars and have an engaging audience, you can tap into a larger market and reach potential customers who may have otherwise been unaware of your offerings. This helps to increase brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and ultimately drive sales for your small business.

In Summary

Staying up-to-date on the latest automotive marketing trends is essential if you want your business’s strategies to remain competitive and effective in 2023 and beyond. From leveraging automation technology to taking advantage of influencer partnerships, small businesses can stay ahead of the curve in automotive marketing this year — all while ensuring they don’t get left behind in an ever-changing digital landscape.

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